
Small Group 8/21/07

I finally got the internet at my apartment so I can blog now.
Small Group was really good the other night. There are so many people now and others keep on coming.
I had a pretty good outline set up but most of the conversation was taken up by my good friend Cory Ayers, telling us about his experiences during the last few months. I have to say that is was a little frustrating as a leader, trying to keep things on track with the outline, but the inspiration of his words, that were closer to a testimony, silenced the group as well as myself.
I have known Cory since freshman year when he moved on my hall. If you know Cory, you know he is a little over the top sometimes. But ever since freshman year God has been telling my to put up with this guy and I am glad I did. It is amazing to see his growth as a man. He never ceases to surprise me. I knew that when he went to England on a missions trip this summer that he would come back changed, and he did. Thank you Cory for your testimony the other night. Thank you for being an inspiration to me more than once. And thank you for seeking God continuously every day.

I am really proud of you man.


RobinDayle said...

I am thankful that you remain so faithful and steadfast to your small group AJ.
:-) You're a good guy...and a good friend.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...sounds familiar!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow. That is great! Thanks for sharing. I miss you bud. How are you doing?