
More Concerns

As some of you may know, I am an avid CNN watcher. I enjoy their comprehensive and unbiased presentation of the news. However, for some unknown reason I was watching Fox News the other day and I finally know why I don't watch it. I had always heard that CNN was stereotypically liberal, leaning to the left, and Fox News is on the right and conservative. I found that I really have to look hard to see any liberal undertones in the news that CNN presents. However, Fox News comes right out and says that they are conservative, giving the viewers proper perspective on their bias. This could be good, but I can't see how.

What bothers me the most, however, was the special that I saw run by Fox called Perspective in Peril, making fun of the name of a current CNN special Planet in Peril. Fox News, instead of doing thier own investigation of the planet's current state, decided to attack CNN personally, asking students at a University what they thought of the special. Their answers were obviously thought out and had the same worldview as the station.

This is not journalism folks. I have never seen CNN, instead of taking time to investigate and present the news, attack another news station. Not only does Fox News come at the news with a bias, THEY DELIBERATELY STATE IT in most of their programs. If you are a journalist, you know that your job is to present the news in an unbiased AS POSSIBLE version. I know that some programs lean a little more than others but this was obviously not Bill O'reily, it was just news.


Even though most of my views may fall under the conservative realm, I still want to have an open mind and hear both sides.

Currently watching CNN and, oh my, coming up next: Civilian and U.S. troops deaths are down: A Safer Iraq?

Yea, sounds like CNN is real biased.

Still more concerns to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your blog again...I had a lot of reading to do in catching up!

I agree with what you have to say about both news stations. I can't say I watch CNN on a regular basis - but I can say that I tend to stay away from Fox. I find they try to hard to entertain you and not hard enough to inform you. Keep up the concerns!