
Tell Me...

Why does God give and why does God take away?

Let me know your thoughts...



Anonymous said...

How funny that I came to check your blog right at this exact moment. I literally was just thinking the same thing to myself. I don't think anyone will ever hear the answer they want. I guess it depends on what's being given and what's being taken. I've learned that no matter what you MUST trust in God. It sounds so cliche, but its so true. My best friend is in a coma and for awhile no one knew if he was going to live or die, his mom said something so simple yet so profound,"Lord we give him back to you - he was never ours to begin with." Within a day or so he started his slow recovery. I think Faith is the only thing that will suffice as an answer. I don't know why God gives and takes away, but I have faith that he knows what he's doing.

Wow that was long. I guess I had more to say than I thought...I told you you caught me at a weird moment :)

A.J. Soldo said...

Good stuff Patty. You answered how we must respond to God, however, not why He does the action. But I still agree with what you say about trusting. It is hard but it seems that right when you do it He is faithful back.

Anonymous said...

I don't think there will ever be an answer as to why things happen.

Amie said...

Ive been struggling with a similar question mostly due to recent events this past week ,but I do think he gives to remind us that he is there. There beside us, and if we put our trust in him and obey him that he will bless us or maybe its a test, a test of obiedence and what we do with that blessing that he gave and if we dont respond in a favoring way its taken as a way of teaching? but why does he take? I think that this question comes up alot when someone dies at least it does for me. But I believe that when he takes from us he has a specific purpose ,a plan. What I have been holding on to is that he never wants to hurt us, only teach and grow us as his followers. Its a wakeup call, a huge flashing sign saying you dont control any aspect of your life or anyone elses, its humbling. But I do wish that there would be side notes when God does what he does. Bt then what would be the point of faith?

Anonymous said...

Who died?

Amie said...

im not sure if your asking me or aj this question but a freind of mine was killed a few weeks ago and ive just been trying to grab hold of why would he want to take away such a amazing person

Anonymous said...

I understand your question Amie. This has been probably the roughest year of my life. Since December of 06 I've lost at least 7 people. No words can express how that makes me feel - I'm constantly battling with being angry at God for taking these people - yet at the same time I know they're better off and whatnot - but as much as I'm confused by them being taken, I know they're taken care of.

Amie said...

I know, thank you..God always knows best.

Anonymous said...

Whatever is happening in our lives, they have purpose. God has plan to everything. I believe in God so I don't question Him at all.

carly said...

hey AJ! i was just catching up on some of your blogs. you make me laugh and miss you! we have a class together next semester!

tohearhimsing said...

It's a good thing really. We just never realize it till later. It's like a cycle. Gives us what we think is best but then takes it away to give us His best, & His best is to be what we consider best as well. If He didn't give and take we wouldn't be grateful for what we do have. Read Ecc.7:14 and you'll begin to understand why. It helps if you read a commentary on it too. My facebook has a note that goes in depth on the passage if you're more interested.

tohearhimsing said...

mmm just a continuation... Give doesn't always mean good and take mean bad. They're one in the same with the Lord. What if we were given trash for christmas and had it taken away from us? What then is considered the better of the two. Strange analogy i know but it is true...