
Instant Gratification

I was watching a special on CNN about the young voters in our country. When asked a reason why the younger generation has such a problem voting she replied, "I can't make a difference." It immeiately cut away to a shot of Richard Dryfuss and he says, "That's because you are addicted to instant gratification."
How true this actor's words are. Our generation, our culture and sadly even Christianity is addicted to instant gratification. If this decision can't benefit me within the next 24 hours then it is pointless; That is the worldview we have now. How sad.
Much of this problem is due to the technological age and the ability to get things faster and more efficient. But the saddest part of this problem is the fact that I see it in Christians.
One way I see this plagueing Christians is our relationships. American Christians suck at relationships. Plain and simple. We constantly ask ourselves, subconsiously, "What can I get out of this relationship?" rather than, "What can I put in this reationship?" This is the reason I see about 90% of the relaitonshiips in the CBU campus become pitifully superficial and most die wthin months and even weeks. This also affects our relationship with God. My friend Andrew said that this is the main reason for people not praying enough. It is because we aren't patient enough with God, and His plan. We want answers now, Now, NOW and God doesn't work in our timing.
We innately are bad with relaionships and it is something we need to work on desperatley.
Let me know what you think. I will be posting more ways Instant Gratification is affecting our Kingdom.

Artwork above courtesy of Trevor Romain. Check out his blog: http://www.trevorromain.com/blog/


KS said...

With that said... I still want to hang out and I don't mean it in a superficial, self gratification way. I really do want to hang out! I have been strapped to my office chair doing ISP interviews... I will text you soon! Love you bro!

Anonymous said...

Why dont you ever post anything personal?

Anonymous said...

Are you giving advice on relationships and instant gradification???????

A.J. Soldo said...

I don't blog anything personal because I feel that anything that is personal about me is not interesting enough to blog about.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with your blog but I disagree with your comment, that your personal life isn't interesting! I think it is very hard for anyone to talk about their personal life, if they aren't being totally honest with everyone that is involved, don't you? Which takes us right back to the original blog, "What can I get out of this relationship?

Anonymous said...

I think I'm more confused then when I started. Everyone's life is boring to an extent - but then sometimes the things we find boring others find exciting or funny or a pick me up to their bad day or boring life. The grass is always greener on the other side.

Anonymous said...

And whoever this other anonymous person is...how can you misspell gratification when its in the title of his blog on the left of the screen??!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure anonymous made an honest mistake on the spelling. I don't think A.J. has this site for people to criticize one another. As for you blog A.J., I would hope as people mature they will stop thinking, "What can I get out of this relationship?" and start thinking "What can I put in this relationship?" Sadly to say much of the younger generation are NOW, NOW, NOW people and even sadder some of us parents helped make them that way! Great blog by the way...hope my spelling is on. lol

Anonymous said...

Haven't been on your site for some time, so I took a few minutes and looked it over. Very impressed, your blogs are great, how you are getting people involved and their reactions with what you are writing. Just how you changed it in general. The pictures, art work, your "in the news column", turning into a real journalist right before our very own eyes.

tohearhimsing said...

i know this is an old blog...but i have to agree. I hate when I feel that I am the only one giving my all in (all kinds of) a relationship and then you just get shot down for not giving the person what they want even though you give your best... it is sad.

Andrew said...

i do this .. and so thank you