
its coming...

CMA Music Festival "Fanfair."

P.S. I Got the job at Soundcheck.


Kendall DeWitt said...

wait, so does that mean youre out there for good?..
im so proud of you and excited for you.. you went for it and its happening. congrats

Anonymous said...

WOW! i cant believe you are gone. i had no idea you left. im sad we didnt get to say bye. it sounds pretty amazing and i am glad you have a friend out there!!!! keep us updated!!!!

Anonymous said...

woops, the anonymous comment was from me.... Carly

Cole Lundstrom said...

It seems like you have got a really fun job. Enjoy being cooler than everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so exciting. Its good that you'll be able to come home for a bit before you have to go back - but its great that you get to go back! I'm so proud of all you've accomplished - you had a dream and you went for it - very inspiring.